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It is a miracle that C3 exists. God gave special favor to lease the facility for two years. The owners planned to sell it in 2012.

Our current monthly costs are approximately $9,000 ($7,000 rent; $1,500 utilities; plus supplies). Currently, we have $4,500‐6,000 in monthly support. Because of the funds raised for the reserve account last summer, we were able to do much needed repairs and are still able to cover our monthly bills. However, that extra money is being used up, and we must raise an additional $3,000 in monthly gifts to remain stable and in the black.

No funds pay for wages or salaries. All ministries associated with C3 raise their own support. The director and executive board are volunteers.

Many thanks to faithful monthly givers and those who gave generous, one‐ or two‐time gifts. C3 welcomes your monthly gifts of $25, $50, $75, $100 and more. Please prayerfully consider starting, continuing, or increasing your giving.

Setting up a recurring donation online via electronic checking withdrawal or credit card is easy (see below).

If you know ASU students or were one yourself, if your spiritual life grew at ASU or if you have a burden to reverse the startling statistic that 70% of Christian students lose their faith at the university, please consider ASU your mission field and C3 as a real resource for evangelical outreach. Celebrate God’s work and his provision by praying for C3’s finances.